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How to setup MicroSD card for your Mission Tech Cloud CCTV camera.

Mission Tech

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Step 1

Insert the Micro SD card in to the camera.  The method may vary depending on the type of camera.

Mission Tech Cloud CCTV Camera 3MP-Cube-WiFi Micro SD Card
Mission Tech Cloud CCTV Camera Micro SD card

Step 2

Using an internet browser similar to that of Chrome or Firefox, go to and Sign in to your Ivideon account with your ID and password.

Step 3

Go to Camera settings.

iVideon Camera Setting Select

Step 4

In Camera settings select About and take a note of the IP address of your camera

iVideon About Menu IP Address

Step 5

Ivideon will randomly set up a password for your cloud camera when it is linked your Ivideon account.  Select Security Settings and setup your new password.

Configure your new Mission Tech iVideon cloud camera password

Step 6

Open a Web Browser using your computer, tablet or mobile phone and  type in the IP address of your camera into the address bar to log in to your cloud CCTV camera

Mission Tech Cloud camera login

Step 7

Select the options in the following order:

  1. Setup

  2. Storage

  3. Destination

  4. Local

Mission Tech Cloud Camera  Local Storage Option Menu

If you see green on the Used Capacity/Total Capacity storage bar, then your Micro SD card is setup correctly.  Otherwise, select Disk1 and select Format to format the card.

The camera will restart after it has formatted the card.  Repeat Step 7 to ensure that your Micro SD card is setup correctly.

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